
8.1. Weather and Ground State

Next to the turn counter, you will be able to see the icons for current weather and the predicted weather for the following turn. The symbol used in this icon tells you the current or predicted weather, while the colour of the symbol tells you what the ground state is or might be. Note that predictions for the future are not perfectly accurate.
在回合计数器旁边,您将能够看到当前天气的图标和下一回合的预测天气。 此图标中使用的符号告诉您当前或预测的天气,而符号的颜色告诉您地面状态是什么或可能是什么。 请注意,对未来的预测并不完全准确。

There are four types of weather: clear, cloudy, rain and snow. Clear is the ‘normal’ weather and has no adverse effects on operations. Cloudy weather is only a minor nuisance, reducing the spotting range of aircraft and making them perform somewhat less effectively (your enemies are suffering exactly the same problem, however, so both sides will suffer lower casualties during air battles in cloudy weather).
天气有四种类型:晴天、阴天、雨天和雪天。 晴天是“正常”天气,对运营没有不利影响。 多云天气只是一个小麻烦,它减少了飞机的探测范围并降低了它们的效率(但是你的敌人正在遭受完全相同的问题,所以在多云天气的空战中双方的伤亡都会减少)。

Rain and snow present much larger obstacles, particularly to the attacker. Visibility is greatly reduced for all units on the ground, while air units are unable to operate at all: they cannot move, attack or rebase for as long as the bad weather continues. Beware that if an airfield currently serving as a base for aircraft is captured during bad weather, the planes there will be destroyed, unable to fly to another base. Rain and snow also reduce the amount of supply that reaches units, limit the accuracy of units fighting on the ground, and place a severe cap on units’ initiative (representing an inability to use their longer-ranged weapons to full effect).
雨雪带来了更大的障碍,尤其是对攻击者而言。 地面上的所有单位的能见度都大大降低,而空中单位则根本无法行动:只要恶劣天气持续,它们就无法移动、攻击或重新设置基地。 请注意,如果当前作为飞机基地的机场在恶劣天气下被占领,那里的飞机将被摧毁,无法飞往另一个基地。 雨雪也会减少到达单位的补给量,限制在地面作战的单位的准确性,并严重限制单位的主动性(表示无法充分使用远程武器)。

Prolonged rain or snow will cause conditions on the ground to deteriorate. Several turns of rain will cause the ground to become muddy, which will severely limit the units’ movement. Snow will cause the ground to become either snowy, or in colder climates such as Russia, frozen. While snowy ground is an obstacle, frozen ground can provide opportunities that even dry conditions do not offer: in particular, frozen rivers can be crossed as if the river was not there at all. Muddy, snowy and frozen ground will become dry again after several turns of clear weather.
长时间下雨或下雪会导致地面状况恶化。 几回合雨会导致地面变得泥泞,这将严重限制单位的移动。 雪会导致地面积雪,或者在俄罗斯等较冷的气候下,地面结冰。 虽然雪地是一个障碍,但冰冻的地面可以提供即使是干燥条件也无法提供的机会:特别是,冰冻的河流可以穿越,就好像河流根本不存在一样。 泥泞、雪地和冰冻的地面在经过几轮晴朗天气后将再次变得干燥。

8.2. Rivers and Bridging Units
8.2. 河流和过桥单位

Rivers are a common terrain obstacle that pose significant challenges for a player on the offensive. There are two types of rivers in the game: minor and major rivers.
河流是一种常见的地形障碍,对进攻玩家构成重大挑战。 游戏中有两种类型的河流:次要河流和主要河流。

Minor rivers can be crossed by units, but the process takes several turns and can seriously hamper an offensive. To cross a minor river, a unit must begin its turn on a hex directly adjacent to the river, and entering the river hex will use up the unit’s entire move. The next turn, the unit will be able to move freely onto either bank of the river.
次要河流可以被单位渡过,但这个过程需要几个回合,并且会严重阻碍进攻。 要渡过一条小河,一个单位必须从紧邻河流的格子开始其回合,进入河流格子将耗尽该单位的整个移动。 下一回合,该单位将能够自由移动到河流的任何一侧。

Major rivers, represented by much wider rivers on the map, are completely impassable to most ground units unless they have frozen over.There are two exceptions to these rules: bridges and bridging units. Road bridges exist wherever a road or railroad crosses over a river tile. Units can travel across the bridges just like any other road (or in the case of a railroad, as if the river were merely not there), making them the easiest way to cross a river. Beware however that the other bank of a river will often be most heavily defended near bridges.
主要河流,以地图上更宽的河流为代表,对于大多数地面单位来说是完全无法通行的,除非它们已经结冰。这些规则有两个例外:桥梁和架桥单位。 公路或铁路穿过河流的任何地方都存在公路桥梁。 单位可以像任何其他道路一样穿越桥梁(或者在铁路的情况下,就好像河流根本不存在一样),使它们成为最简单的穿越河流的方式。 但是要注意,河流的另一岸通常在桥梁附近受到最严密的防御。

Bridge engineers and vehicles are special units that allow other units to cross the river as if a bridge existed over it. To use them, a bridging unit, such as the German Brückenpioniere, must occupy a river hex. Other units then move “through” that unit to access the other bank of the river. When the bridge unit is moved off the river, the hex it once occupied will no longer count as a bridge. If you have a spare core slot, it may be a good idea to split your bridge units to form two units, and thus two bridges
桥梁工程师和车辆是特殊单位,允许其他单位过河,就好像桥上存在桥梁一样。 要使用它们,一个架桥单元,例如德国的 Brückenpioniere,必须占据一个河流格子。 然后其他单位“通过”该单位进入河的另一岸。 当桥梁单位被移出河流时,它曾经占据的格子将不再算作桥梁。 如果您有空闲的部署空间,最好将桥单元拆分为两个单元,从而形成两个桥

Note: It may be a good idea to keep a bridging unit or two in your reserves, to be activated if a scenario with large rivers is encountered. Although they will be provided as auxiliaries if required to win a scenario, many maps can be more easily completed by using bridge engineers.
注意:在您的储备中保留一两个架桥单元可能是个好主意,以便在遇到大型河流的情况时激活。 尽管如果需要赢得场景,它们将作为辅助提供,但使用桥梁工程师可以更轻松地完成许多地图。

Units that occupy river hexes, except for bridging units, suffer major combat penalties, especially against units on either bank. It is often wise to find another direction from which to launch an attack rather than charging straight across the river.
占据河流格子的单位(架桥单位除外)会受到严重的战斗惩罚,尤其是对抗任何两岸的单位。 寻找另一个发动攻击的方向通常是明智的,而不是直接冲过河流。

8.3. Military Engineers
8.3. 军事工程师

Military Engineers, such as the German Pioniere, are a particularly powerful variant of infantry that has several unique abilities. In particular, they completely ignore enemy entrenchment, making them the perfect troops to assault well-fortified positions (though artillery fire is still recommended to suppress the defenders beforehand). When the engineers are adjacent to both an enemy unit and a friendly unit, this ability will be extended to the friendly unit when it attacks, allowing it to ignore 50% of the enemy’s entrenchment. When this can occur, an ‘Engineer’ message will appear over the engineer as the combat prediction is displayed, unless enemy entrenchment is zero (in which case there would be no benefit obtained from the ability).
军事工程师,例如德国先锋,是一种特别强大的步兵变体,具有多种独特的能力。 特别是,他们完全无视敌人的防御工事,使他们成为攻击坚固阵地的完美部队(尽管仍然建议使用炮火来预先压制防御者)。 当工程师同时与敌方单位和友方单位相邻时,该能力将在友方单位攻击时延伸至友方单位,使其无视敌方 50% 的防御工事。 当这种情况发生时,在显示战斗预测时,工程师上方会出现一条“工程师”消息,除非敌人的壕沟为零(在这种情况下,该能力不会获得任何好处)。

Engineers are also able to clear minefields in a single attack, and receive a substantial bonus (+5 attack) against structures. Finally, engineers that are placed adjacent to other units will allow those units to entrench at double the usual rate, quickly forming a formidable defence.
工程师还能够在一次攻击中清空雷区,并获得对建筑物的可观加成(+5 攻击)。 最后,与其他单位相邻的工程师将允许这些单位以通常的两倍速度建立工事,迅速形成强大的防御。

8.4. Minefields
8.4. 雷区

Minefields are a common opponent often seen around particularly strong enemy positions. They are part of the ‘structure’ unit class, and like most structures, they cannot receive replacements or upgrades, and will never surrender. They also do not exert a zone of control on neighbouring hexes and are exempt from the usual supply rules.
雷区是一种常见的对手,经常出现在特别强大的敌方阵地周围。 它们是“结构”单元类的一部分,与大多数结构一样,它们不能接受替换或升级,也永远不会投降。 他们也不会对相邻的格子施加控制区域,并且不受通常的供应规则的约束。

Minefields also have the ‘Camouflage’ trait, meaning that they will remain hidden (even if the fog of war has been pushed away from a hex) until a unit enters an adjacent hex or a recon unit is close enough to spot the minefield (using its usual spotting range). This means that minefields can very easily ambush a reckless advance, dealing a point of damage to any unit unfortunate enough to stumble upon them. Be careful
雷区还具有“伪装”特性,这意味着它们将保持隐藏状态(即使战争迷雾已从一个格子中推开),直到一个单位进入相邻的格子或侦察单位足够接近以发现雷区(使用 它通常的发现范围)。 这意味着雷区可以很容易地伏击一个鲁莽的前进,对任何不幸撞到它们的单位造成一点伤害。 当心

Most units that can attack any other ground unit may attack a minefield, including artillery, aircraft, warships and ground troops, and they can be destroyed just like any other unit, although this is slow and inefficient. Some units are particularly suited to clearing minefields, in particular military engineers and specialised mine-clearing tanks (such as the Sherman ‘Crab’ tank), which are able to clear minefields in a single attack. Mine-clearing tanks are even more powerful in this regard, as they are able to use their overrun ability to clear several minefields in a single turn
大多数可以攻击任何其他地面单位的单位都可以攻击雷区,包括火炮、飞机、战舰和地面部队,它们可以像任何其他单位一样被摧毁,尽管这很慢且效率低下。 一些单位特别适合清除雷区,特别是军事工程师和专门的扫雷坦克(例如谢尔曼“螃蟹”坦克),它们能够在一次攻击中清除雷区。 扫雷坦克在这方面更加强大,因为它们能够利用其超速能力在一个回合内清空多个雷区

8.5. Support Fire
8.5. 支援火力

Many units have the ability to provide ‘support fire’, protecting nearby friendly units from a specific type of enemy attack. To do this, they fire on the attacker before the attack is launched, and any strength points lost or suppressed in the support fire phase of the battle will not participate in the main attack. Units providing support fire are at no risk of taking damage throughout that combat.
许多单位有能力提供“支援火力”,保护附近的友军单位免受特定类型的敌人攻击。 为此,他们在发动攻击之前向攻击者开火,在战斗的支援火力阶段失去或压制的任何力量点都不会参与主攻。 提供支援火力的单位在整个战斗中没有受到伤害的风险。

The following unit types can provide support fire:

Anti-Tank: will provide support fire if an adjacent friendly unit is attacked by a hard target such as a tank.

Artillery: will provide support fire if an adjacent friendly unit is attacked by an appropriate enemy ground unit. Each artillery unit has one or more traits describing what units it may direct support fire against, for instance, many small artillery pieces have the ‘Artillery Support’ trait that allows them to provide support fire against soft targets. Some heavy artillery guns have the ‘Counterbattery Fire’ trait, which allows them to shoot at any attacking enemy artillery ithin their range (not necessarily if they are attacking an adjacent friendly unit).
火炮:如果相邻的友军单位被适当的敌方地面单位攻击,将提供支援火力。 每个火炮单位都有一个或多个特征来描述它可以直接支援火力打击的单位,例如,许多小型火炮具有“火炮支援”特征,允许它们为软目标提供支援火力。 一些重型火炮具有“反电池火力”特性,这使它们可以向射程内的任何攻击敌方火炮射击(如果它们正在攻击相邻的友军单位,则不一定如此)。

Anti-Air: will provide support fire if any ground unit within its range is attacked by enemy aircraft.

Fighter: will provide support fire if an adjacent friendly unit, either on the ground or a bomber in the air, is attacked by an enemy aircraft

Destroyers: will provide support fire against any adjacent submarine that attacks a friendly warship, and against an adjacent land unit that attacks a nearby friendly land unit.

Capital Ships: will provide support fire against any enemy warship within range that attacks a friendly naval transport. Like destroyers, they can also fire on adjacent enemy land units that attack nearby friendly land units.
主力舰:将对范围内攻击友军海军运输船的任何敌方战舰提供支援火力。 与驱逐舰一样,它们也可以向攻击附近友军陆地单位的相邻敌方陆地单位开火。

Combat predictions will take support fire into account, showing the expected results for the entire battle, as long as any supporting units are visible. Some, particularly those that can provide support fire from a greater distance such as anti-air guns, can be particularly dangerous without proper reconnaissance!. Small arrows will also appear when you mouse over the target unit indicating which units will provide support fire if you attack.
战斗预测将考虑支援火力,显示整个战斗的预期结果,只要任何支援单位都可见。 有些,特别是那些可以从更远距离提供支援火力的人,例如高射炮,如果没有适当的侦察,可能会特别危险! 当您将鼠标悬停在目标单位上时,也会出现小箭头,指示在您攻击时哪些单位将提供支援火力。

8.6. Ambush
8.6. 伏击

If you order units into the fog of war without proper reconnaissance, there is some chance that you will encounter an enemy unit along the path that your unit moves. These enemy units will automatically launch a surprise attack when encountered, known as an ambush. Because ambushes target an enemy’s close defence, ambushed units often suffer very heavy casualties. Once a unit has been ambushed, it will not be able to attack for the remainder of that turn.
如果你在没有适当侦察的情况下命令单位进入战争迷雾,你有可能会在单位移动的路径上遇到敌方单位。 这些敌方单位在遇到时会自动发动突袭,称为伏击。 由于伏击以敌人的近身防御为目标,被伏击的单位通常会遭受非常严重的伤亡。 一旦一个单位被伏击,它将在该回合的剩余时间内无法攻击。

8.7. Overrun
8.7. 碾压

Tanks have access to the powerful ‘overrun’ ability. Overrun attacks occur when such a unit destroys its target without taking any damage themselves, and allow that unit to then move again (if it did not use up all of its movement points beforehand), and the overrun attack does not count as an attack action.
坦克可以使用强大的“碾压”能力。 当这样一个单位在没有受到任何伤害的情况下摧毁它的目标,并允许该单位再次移动(如果它没有事先用完所有移动点)时,就会发生碾压攻击,并且碾压攻击不算作攻击动作 .

Because of their overrun ability, tanks are perfect for picking off multiple weak enemies in a single turn, moving and then killing them one by one while limited only by their movement points and ammo supply. However, if an anti-tank gun or artillery provides support fire against the tank, it will not be able to overrun its victim, nor will it be able to overrun if the enemy unit retreats or surrenders, or is located in close terrain.
由于他们的碾压力,坦克非常适合在一个回合内挑选多个弱敌人,移动然后一个一个地杀死他们,而仅受其移动点和弹药供应的限制。 但是,如果反坦克炮或火炮对坦克进行支援火力攻击,它就无法碾压它的受害者,如果敌方单位撤退或投降,或者位于近距离地形,它也无法碾压。

Note: If a unit is given an award or hero with the ‘Steamroller’ ability, they will be able to take advantage of a more powerful overrun. Such units will overrun any unit they kill, even if support fire, close terrain or own losses are involved.
注意:如果一个单位获得了具有“压路机”能力的奖励或英雄,他们将能够利用更强大的碾压。 这些单位将碾压他们杀死的任何单位,即使涉及支援火力、近距离地形或自身损失。

8.8 Mass Attack
8.8 大规模攻击

When facing a tough enemy unit, it is often a good idea to place multiple units adjacent to that enemy before attacking. Every unit adjacent to an enemy during a direct (non-ranged) attack will reduce the enemy’s initiative by one point, taking advantage of an ability known as ‘mass attack’. Units can only contribute to mass attacks if they have an unspent attack action, and ranged units such as artillery do not count towards them at all. Recon units and engineers have their own special bonuses, so they cannot contribute to mass attacks.
当面对一个强悍的敌方单位时,在攻击前将多个单位放置在该敌人附近通常是个好主意。 在直接(非远程)攻击期间与敌人相邻的每个单位都会利用称为“大规模攻击”的能力将敌人的主动性降低一分。 单位只有在有未使用的攻击行动时才能对大规模攻击做出贡献,而炮兵等远程单位根本不计入它们。 侦察单位和工程师有自己的特殊奖励,因此他们无法为大规模攻击做出贡献。

When you are planning an attack, you will be able to see a ‘Mass Attack’ label on any units that will provide a mass attack when the combat prediction is displayed.

Units that are adjacent to the enemy defender, but not adjacent to a friendly attacker, will be able to take advantage of a more powerful variant of the mass attack, labelled ‘Mass Attack 2x’. Representing an attack from the flank or rear, this reduces enemy initiative by two points instead of the usual one, making careful positioning of units much more important.
与敌方防御者相邻但不与友方攻击者相邻的单位将能够利用更强大的群体攻击变体,标记为“大规模攻击 2x”。 代表来自侧翼或后方的攻击,这会使敌人的主动性减少两点,而不是通常的一点,这使得仔细定位单位变得更加重要。

8.9. High Ground
8.9. 高地

Hills and mountains provide a ‘high ground’ bonus to any unit that occupies them, giving them +1 spotting. Ranged units such as artillery also benefit from +1 range when on high ground. Furthermore, units defending high ground receive an accuracy bonus, while those attacking a unit on high ground from low ground suffer an accuracy penalty
丘陵和山脉为占据它们的任何单位提供“高地”加成,使它们+1 侦察。 在高地时,诸如火炮之类的远程单位也受益于 +1 射程。 此外,防御高地的单位会获得准确度加成,而从低地攻击高地单位的单位会受到准确度惩罚

8.10. Zone of Control and Encirclements
8.10. 控制区和包围区

Ground units, with the exception of units with the ‘No ZOC’ trait such as minefields, exert a ‘zone of control’ over all hexes adjacent to them. Zones of control can prove to be obstacles to movement – while units can freely enter an enemy’s zone of control, they use up their entire move doing so.
地面单位,除了雷区等具有“无 ZOC”特性的单位外,对与其相邻的所有格子施加“控制区”。 控制区域可以证明是移动的障碍 - 虽然单位可以自由进入敌人的控制区域,但他们会用尽整个移动。

Note: Recon units are an exception to the above rule: they can penetrate enemy zones of control by using their Phase Movement ability.

Units suffer no movement penalties leaving an enemy zone of control, but if they wish to move through an enemy zone of control (that is, from one ZOCaffected hex to another ZOC-affected hex), they will be forced to move just one hex each turn. This can be a particular problem for river crossings – an enemy unit next to a bridge engineer will render that engineer practically useless (not to mention exposed to enemy attacks) unless it can move to another crossing point.
单位在离开敌方控制区域时不会受到移动惩罚,但如果他们想穿过敌方控制区域(即从一个受 ZOC 影响的六角形移动到另一个受 ZOC 影响的六角形),他们将被迫每回合只移动一个六角形。 这对于穿越河流来说可能是一个特殊的问题——桥梁工程师旁边的敌方单位将使该工程师实际上毫无用处(更不用说暴露在敌人的攻击之下),除非它可以移动到另一个过河点。

In Panzer Corps 2, zones of control are an important part of another mechanic: encirclements. An encirclement is created whenever a ground unit cannot trace a path back to a friendly supply hex without going through an enemy unit, their zone of control or an impassable hex. Supplies are assumed to be carried by truck, so a hex is considered ‘impassable’ if a wheeled unit cannot access it, such as sea and lakes, major rivers, thick forests, and high mountains. All edges of the map also count as supply hexes, so if a unit is able to trace a valid path to a map edge it will also be able to avoid encirclement. Furthermore, supply can be traced by sea if a path across the sea can be traced between the map edge and a friendly port, as long as that path is not blocked by enemy warships.
在 Panzer Corps 2 中,控制区是另一个机制的重要组成部分:包围。 每当地面单位在不经过敌方单位、他们的控制区域或无法通过的格子的情况下无法追踪到友方补给格时,就会形成包围圈。 供应被假定为由卡车运送,因此如果轮式单位无法进入六角形,例如大海和湖泊、主要河流、茂密的森林和高山,则认为六角形是“不可通行的”。 地图的所有边缘也算作供应六角形,因此如果一个单位能够追踪到地图边缘的有效路径,它也将能够避免包围。 此外,如果可以在地图边缘和友方港口之间追踪跨海路径,只要该路径没有被敌方战舰阻挡,就可以通过海上追踪补给。

Note: Units cannot be encircled if a supply hex is among the hexes surrounded by their enemies.

Encirclements are marked on the map by a border enclosing all affected hexes, coloured to indicate what player’s units have been encircled. Units that have been encircled do not receive supplies of fuel and ammo at the start of the turn, and cannot receive replacements or upgrades of any type for as long as the encirclement remains. Each turn they remain encircled, they will suffer growing initiative and accuracy penalties, and accumulate more suppression every turn. Suppression does not reset at the beginning of a turn if the encirclement remains, even if caused by combat and not as a result of the encirclement itself, so breaking units out of encirclements should be a high priority if you do not wish to see your forces surrendering
包围圈在地图上由所有受包围影响的六角形的边界标记,颜色表明哪些玩家的单位被包围了。 被包围的单位在回合开始时不会获得燃料和弹药供应,并且只要包围仍然存在,就无法获得任何类型的替换或升级。 他们每回合都被包围,他们将遭受越来越多的主动性和准确性惩罚,并且每回合都会积累更多的压制。 如果包围仍然存在,则压制不会在回合开始时重置,即使是由战斗引起的而不是包围本身的结果,因此如果您不希望看到您的部队投降,则将单位从包围中击出应该是高优先级事项

8.11. Retreat and Surrender
8.11. 撤退和投降

Land-based units that suffer devastating non-ranged attacks that kill 66% of their unsuppressed strength will attempt to retreat immediately following the attack unless they are currently entrenched to a level greater than their base entrenchment on that hex. Units will attempt to retreat in a direction away from the attacker, and may retreat multiple hexes to reach safety. However, retreat comes with a cost: any movement points that the unit uses retreating will not be available for the unit to use in its own next turn. Units cannot enter their transports when retreating (although the transport will not be lost).
遭受毁灭性非远程攻击并杀死 66% 未受压制力量的陆基单位将在攻击后立即撤退,除非他们当前的壕沟高于其在该格上的基础壕沟。 单位会尝试向远离攻击者的方向撤退,并且可能会撤退多个格子以达到安全。 然而,撤退是有代价的:单位撤退时使用的任何移动点都将无法供该单位在其自己的下一回合使用。 单位撤退时不能进入他们的运输工具(尽管运输工具不会丢失)。

If a unit cannot retreat, whether due to running out of next turn’s movement points, or having nowhere to go, it will surrender instead. When a unit surrenders, the attacker is rewarded with prestige equal to the value of the surviving part of the surrendering unit.
如果一个单位无法撤退,无论是由于下一回合的移动点用完,还是无处可去,它都会投降。 当一个单位投降时,攻击者将获得与投降单位幸存部分价值相等的威望。

Note: In addition to being unable to retreat into tiles occupied by other units or impassable terrain, units will try to avoid retreating into an enemy’s zone of control.

Some types of units, in particular tanks, artillery and anti-tank and anti-air guns, can be ‘captured’ when they surrender. Captured equipment is saved, and if enough of it is accumulated it is possible to build new units using the enemy’s weapons in the Purchase Screen. To do this, you need to capture enough strength points of equipment to form a new 10-strength unit (for instance, if you wanted a German KV-2 unit, you would need to force the surrender of ten strength points’ worth of KV-2s from the Red Army, which would likely require the surrender of several KV-2 units). Such units require the surrender of more of that type of equipment in order to receive replacements.
某些类型的单位,特别是坦克、火炮、反坦克和高射炮,可以在投降时被“俘虏”。 保存捕获的装备,如果积累足够多,则可以在购买屏幕中使用敌人的武器建造新单位。 要做到这一点,你需要捕获足够的装备力量点来组成一个新的 10 力量单位(例如,如果你想要一个德国 KV-2 单位,你需要强制交出 10 力量点价值的来自红军的 KV -2 ,这可能需要投降几个 KV-2 单位)。 此类单位需要交出更多此类设备才能获得补充。

A further special case of retreats exists when a ship in a port is attacked by an infantry or tank unit. If able to, the ship will flee the port, and if it has nowhere to go it will be scuttled (destroyed) instead
当港口的船只受到步兵或坦克部队的攻击时,还有一种撤退的特殊情况。 如果可以,这艘船将逃离港口,如果它无处可去,它将被凿沉(摧毁)

8.12. Prototype Units
8.12. 原型单位

Occasionally you will be granted access to prototypes of advanced equipment (for instance, the Tiger tank entered service during early 1943, but can be offered as a prototype during the summer of 1942). Prototype units operate in a similar manner to captured units, drawing replacements from a pool stored in the Purchase screen, although more equipment cannot be obtained by forcing the surrender of enemies. Once a prototype model enters full production, the pool of replacements will no longer be needed, and it will be considered the same as any other unit.
偶尔你会被允许接触先进设备的原型(例如,虎式坦克在 1943 年初投入使用,但可以在 1942 年夏天作为原型提供)。 原型单位的运作方式与被俘单位相似,从存储在购买屏幕中的池中抽取补充,但无法通过强迫敌人投降来获得更多设备。 一旦原型模型进入全面生产,将不再需要补充池,并且将被视为与任何其他单元相同。

Note: Players who choose the ‘Industry Connections’ trait at the beginning of a game will receive many more prototype units

8.13. Commander Traits
8.13. 指挥官特征

Some game modes in Panzer Corps 2, most notably the main campaign, allow you to customise your in-game character, helping determine how you will build your army and fight your opponents.
Panzer Corps 2 中的一些游戏模式,尤其是主要战役,允许您自定义游戏中的角色,帮助确定您将如何组建军队并与对手作战。

When this feature is enabled, the game will begin with a prompt asking you to make your most important choice of the war: what strengths and weaknesses you will be helped and burdened by. The strengths offered can be a considerable help, ranging from additional auxiliary forces and lower unit costs to greater penalties to encircled enemies. Any weaknesses you choose will prove just as problematic as the strengths are helpful: you may find yourself forced to delay upgrades or reinforcements, or suffer worse than usual combat results. By default, you will be given two selection points, although if you take weaknesses (which have negative cost) you will be able to benefit from more strengths as well. Once you have selected (or randomised) your choices and named your general, press Accept to begin your game. Choose carefully, for once you have made your decisions they will stay with you for the rest of the campaign!
启用此功能后,游戏会以提示开始,要求您做出最重要的战争选择:您将得到哪些优势和劣势的帮助和负担。 提供的优势可以提供相当大的帮助,从额外的辅助部队和较低的单位成本到对被包围的敌人的更大惩罚。 您选择的任何弱点都会被证明与强项有帮助一样有问题:您可能会发现自己被迫延迟升级或增援,或者遭受比平时更糟糕的战斗结果。 默认情况下,您将获得两个选择点,但如果您选择弱点(具有负成本),您也将能够从更多优势中受益。 一旦你选择(或随机化)你的选择并命名你的将军,按接受开始你的游戏。 谨慎选择,因为一旦您做出决定,他们将在整个战役中与您同在!

Note: The commander customisation system may be turned on or off in ‘Advanced Options’ when setting up a game, provided you are playing a scenario or campaign where it is available. Here you may also choose how many trait points you can use for choosing traits.
注意:指挥官自定义系统可以在设置游戏时在“高级选项”中打开或关闭,前提是您正在玩可用的场景或战役。 在这里,您还可以选择可用于选择特征的特征点数。

  1. Multiplayer

In addition to a huge range of single-player content, Panzer Corps 2 also comes with a multiplayer mode allowing you to play against another human player. To begin, choose ‘Multiplayer’ on the main menu.
除了大量的单人游戏内容外,Panzer Corps 2 还配备了多人游戏模式,让您可以与其他人类玩家对战。 首先,在主菜单上选择“多人游戏”。

Two types of multiplayer are offered in the game: Hotseat and PBEM++(Play By E-Mail)/Online. Hotseat games are played by both players on the same computer, taking their turns one after the other. Online games, as the name suggests, are played over the internet, and at the end of each turn, the game will be uploaded to the multiplayer server allowing your opponent to take their turn.
游戏中提供了两种类型的多人游戏:Hotseat 和 PBEM++(通过电子邮件播放)/在线。 Hotseat 游戏由两个玩家在同一台计算机上玩,一个接一个地轮流进行。 顾名思义,在线游戏是通过互联网进行的,在每回合结束时,游戏将被上传到多人服务器,然后轮到你的对手。

Playing online will require a Steam or Slitherine/Matrix account, which you will be asked to log in to upon selecting ‘PBEM++/Online’You will then be taken to the Multiplayer lobby, which is divided into two sections: ‘My Games’ and ‘Join Challenge’. ‘My Games’ has a list of all the PBEM/online games you are currently a part of, and it is here where you will be able to continue existing games. ‘Join Challenge’ lists all the available games currently on the server that are awaiting an opponent. If you see a game that you like the sound of, we highly recommend you join it!

在线玩需要一个 Steam 或 Slitherine/Matrix 帐户,在选择“PBEM++/在线”后您将被要求登录,然后您将被带到多人游戏大厅,该大厅分为两个部分:“我的游戏”和 ‘加入挑战’。 “我的游戏”列出了您目前参与的所有 PBEM/在线游戏,在这里您可以继续现有游戏。 “加入挑战”列出了服务器上当前正在等待对手的所有可用游戏。 如果您看到喜欢的游戏,我们强烈建议您加入!

Note: In the lobby, you can also open a Chat panel by clicking on the small speech bubble button in the top left corner of the screen.

Internet games can also be played in real-time, in a true ‘online’ mode. To do so, the player whose turn it currently is in a game must press ‘Play’ in their list of active games (‘My Games’), to open the game. Their opponent will then see the ‘Join’ button appear in their list, and when they press it they connect directly to the active player. Once connected, they will be able to see their opponent’s moves in real-time (except for those obscured by the fog of war, of course!), and will be able to move immediately once their opponent ends their turn, without returning to the multiplayer screen. Games can continue
网络游戏也可以在真正的“在线”模式下实时播放。 为此,当前轮到游戏的玩家必须在其活动游戏列表(“我的游戏”)中按“开始”,才能打开游戏。 然后他们的对手会看到“加入”按钮出现在他们的列表中,当他们按下它时,他们会直接连接到活跃的玩家。 一旦连接,他们将能够实时看到对手的动作(当然,除了那些被战争迷雾遮挡的人!),一旦对手结束他们的回合,他们将能够立即移动,而无需返回 多人画面。 游戏可以继续

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