
剧本:1 Training - Roadblock简报 阵营:美军
今天早些时候第8步兵团从犹他海滩登陆,之后奉命向内陆扩展以保障滩头阵地的安全,至今只遇到了零星的抵抗,但东部几英里处德军的抵抗突然变强了,半公里外一个重要的十字路口,这个路口可以通向Boutteville 和 Les Forges西面的滩头阵地,德军是“东方师团”第795营,他们封锁了十字路口,我们必须消灭这些德军并赶往Les Forges。
x 1 步兵
x 2 M4A3 谢尔曼坦克
x 1 机枪班
x 1 60 毫米迫击炮
5 分钟后到达:
x 2 M4A3 谢尔曼坦克
x 1 步兵
x 1 机枪团队
x 1 60 毫米迫击炮
10 分钟后到达:
x 1 M4A3 谢尔曼坦克
x 1 步兵指挥部


1515, 6 June 1944
8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division
10 km southwest of Utah Beach
The 8th Infantry Regiment landed on Utah beach earlier today with the mission of moving inland and expanding the Utah Beachhead. Only feeble German resistance has been encountered so far, but a couple miles east of Les Forges German resistance has suddenly stiffened. An important crossroads lies half a kilometer ahead that links the beachhead to the east, Boutteville to the north, and Les Forges to the west. A German force from the 795th Ostfront Battalion has established a roadblock at this crossroads, which must be cleared to continue the drive to Les Forges.
Capture the crossroads while defeating any German forces encountered. The St. Martin Farm is a secondary objective.
Your force consists of the lead elements of 2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment. One tank platoon from the 746th Tank Battalion accompanies your force.
x1 Infantry platoon
x2 M4A3 Sherman tank
x1 Machinegun team
x1 60mm mortar
5 minutes after scenario start:
x2 M4A3 Sherman tank
x1 Infantry platoon
x1 Machinegun team
x1 60mm mortar
10 minutes:
x1 M4A3 Sherman tank
x1 Infantry company headquarters
The force opposing us is the 795th Battalion of the Georgian Legion. This is an Ostfront static defense unit comprised primarily of conscripts and Prisoners of War (POW) led by German officers. Accordingly their morale and level of training will be low. They lack vehicular transport and will most likely be limited to fighting in place.
Since the airborne landings last night the 795th has found themselves in a pocket situated between us and Ste. Mere-Eglise, and are expected to defend avenues of approach to the town with infantry and light anti-tank guns.
Move carefully to the east, defeating any German forces you come across. Lead with your infantry and use the Shermans to destroy resistance as it appears. The crossroads is your primary objective; the St. Martin Farm is a secondary objective. German anti-tank guns are a priority target and ideally should be destroyed with your mortars.
This is an adapted version of a tutorial mission from the Task Force Raff: Combat Training Campaign that is available in the full version of Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy.

剧本:Vierville 阵营:美军

Vierville. 是一个被灌木丛包围的小村庄 附近还有一些小树林和小农场 而且在西北方向有一个高地 早上09:00时的天气预计是晴朗无云。

在经历一晚的奋战后,空降兵506团开始重新整合并且与从犹他海滩登陆的美陆军第四师汇合快速的占领Vierville 有助于我方组织部队对卡伦唐的敌军开展迟滞行动。

空降兵506团一营B连 将在从犹他海滩突围并抵达Vierville 小镇外围的745坦克营的斯图尔特轻型坦克的支援下展开行动。

919步兵团的一只特遣队正在对卡伦唐方向来袭的一只敌军(连级规模)展开迟滞行动 但是效果甚微 预计敌方不久会抵达Vierville。

一排的主要任务是夺取Vierville 中心的十字路口
三排的任务是夺取并占领 Vierville 西北的一个高地
最终我们的任务是夺取Vierville 的一个农庄
预计由斯图尔斯轻型坦克支援的普通步兵将会在我方夺取Vierville后抵达 St Marie du Mont 和 Vierville 之间的公路上

Vierville is a village surrounded by hedgerows, tree lines some small farms and a high ground northwest of the village. It抯 0900h in the morning and the weather is clear.
After a long night fighting 506 PIR is starting to get organised and the link-up with 4th US INF DIV (from exit 1 and 2 Utah Beach) can be not far away.
Occupy Vierville as soon as possible to prevent further organised delaying actions towards Carentan
Bravo company, 1st Bn of 506 PIR supported by Stuarts of the 745th Tank Bn have reached the outskirts of Vierville during the breakout of Utah Beach
Elements of 919 (GE) Infantry regiment conduct delaying actions towards Carentan. Probably a company(-) will be present in the area of Vierville.
2nd and 3rd Platoon will secure the flanks of Vierville. 1st Platoons main objective is to take the crossroad in the centre of Vierville. 2nd Platoons main objective is the Manor south from Vierville and 3rd platoons objective is the high ground nortwest of Vierville. Finaly we need to take the barncomplex of Vierville. We can expect regular infanry supported by some Stuarts soon when the road between St Marie du Mont and Vierville is cleared.

剧本:Vierville 阵营:德军

美国陆军第四师正沿着St Marie du Mont-Carentan (卡伦坦)一线展开进攻,美军101空降师所有人员分散在 Peninsula,并在我们所有的领土上不停地制造混乱和骚扰我军。

而且现在美陆军和空降兵 都已经准备好进攻我方把守的Vierville小镇. US COY 已经做好准备即将对Vierville.采取行动。

Vierville. 是一个被灌木丛包围的小村庄 附近还有一些小树林和小农场 而且在西北方向有一个高地 早上0900时的天气预计是晴朗无云。

尽可能的长时间守卫 Vierville 小镇 并且准备好预备队,反击我方丢失的地域

诺曼底区域内的混乱使得我方无法防御远离海岸线的内陆 一排负责防守Vierville 三排和支援分队将会防守Vierville 镇的西北高地 二排正在赶往Vierville的路上
我方行动意图 兵力以及具体任务

大批的英美盟军通过海路和空运的方式登陆诺曼底 而我们的部队正在重新整合并且开始对登陆的盟军展开迟滞作战 拖延敌方部队直到我方坦克部队的到来并且重夺回我们的滩头。

一排的一班被营部安排防守Vierville 村庄

二排负责防守Vierville 西北 方向的高地


US Forces of the 4th Infantry Division are attacking along the St Marie du Mont-Carentan road. US 101 Airborne Division units are spread all over the Peninsula and are creating chaos in our area of operations. Both forces are ready to attack Vierville. Expect US Coy (+) action soon near Vierville.
Vierville is a village surrounded by hedgerows, tree lines some small farms and a high ground northwest of the village. It抯 0900h in the morning and the weather is clear.
Defend Vierville as long as possible. Keep troops in reserve to counterattack lost ground.
The chaos in Normandy made a well prepared defence away from the coast line not possible. 1st Platoon will defend Vierville, 3rd platoon and support element wil defend the high ground northwest of Vierville and 2nd Platoon is on its way towards Vierville.
Allied Forces have landed by Boat or Plane. Our troops are reorganising and conducting delaying actions in order to give our Panzer units, more land inwards, time to reach the beaches.
1st platoon, 1st Kp of the 1st Btl is tasked to defend Vierville Village. 2nd Platoon will defend the High ground northwest of Vierville. Both platoons are supported by the 4th (Heavy Weapon) platoon
剧本:The Crossroads at Monthardrou 阵营:美军

我方部队已经前进到敌军防守方向 并准备对Monthardrou 地区展开攻势 确保十字路口和附近道路网的安全

我方确信Monthardrou 是在St Lo/Conde sur Vire 地区战斗的德军装甲教导师的主要补给路线 不久后他们将会被派往东边的Thury-Harcourt/Falaise 地区进行防御

Monthardrou是一个由田野 果园 小树林所包围的一个村庄 对Bocage 方向的警戒已经放松,但是仍需要对其保持侦查和警戒以应对来袭的敌军


进攻并控制Monthardrou 小镇和附近的道路网直到11:00时



清理Monthardrou 附近的所有敌军


消灭所有视线内的德军 ,然后我们能引导直接对Monthardrou 十字路口的直接攻击

Co E E连
Co F F连

美军第一步兵师 16步兵团 2营




因为在之前24小时内仍保持高速的前进速度 师/团的 火炮支援尚未建立,所以不能指望他们在进攻时提供支援
敌军在当地的单位已经确认为是由一个增强的步兵连(很有可能是来自 752 掷弹兵团) 敌军已经在抵达的24小时内组织并准备了最基本的防御措施

2nd August 1944
Having been advancing since first light and overcome the enemy outpost line (such as it was) 2/16 is to conduct a deliberate attack in the area of Monthardrou to secure the crossroads and surrounding road network.
It is believed that Monthardrou is on the MSR of elements of Pz Lehr still fighting in the vicinity St Lo/Conde sur Vire, and that they will shortly be ordered to retire East towards the Thury-Harcourt/Falaise area.
Weather is hazy with light winds from the SE.
Monthardrou is a small village surrounded by fields, orchards and small woods. Bocage is not as heavy as previously seen, but will still restrict movment and visibilty when encountered.
To SIEZE the village and crossroads of Monthardrou and surrounding road network by 11.00 hrs.

Commander’s Intent

To clear the the village and crossroads of Monthardrou and surrounding road network
To destroy all enemy units in vicinity who could otherwise lay direct/indirect fire on the crossroads at Monthardrou.
Crossroads and village secured and prepared for all round defence to prevent breakout of enemy units to the N/NW.
2nd Bttn, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division.

Due to the speed of advance in the last 24 hours, Div & Regt Artillery support are not established, and are not expected to be available for another 90 minutes
Co D(-) under command
1st Bttn
3rd Armored Div
Enemy units in the area are believed to be a reinforced Infantry Company (possibly from I/752 Grenadier-Regiment) who have had at least 24 hours to prepare basic defensive positions.

剧本:The Crossroads at Monthardrou 阵营:德军

我方一支至关重要的力量- 国防军装甲教导师 正在St Lo/Conde sur Vire 一带作战,他们需要把守住并控制Monthardrou 小镇的十字路口和周边的交通线路24小时

Monthardrou是一个由田野 果园 小树林所包围的一个村庄 对Bocage 方向的警戒已经放松 但是仍需要对其保持侦查和警戒以应对来袭的敌军
Divisions Fusiler Kompanie Kompanie燧发枪步兵师

守住 Monthardrou 小镇的十字路口以及周边的道路网

目的:防守Monthardrou 小镇 十字路口 以及周边道路网,消灭所有来袭的敌军



一门PAK40 75毫米反坦克炮

2nd August 1944

Contact has been lost with the observation posts manning our forward defence line, and their last report was over 90 minutes ago advising they were being attacked by US infantry supported by armor.
With significant elements of Pz Lehr still fighting in the vicinity St Lo/Conde sur Vire it is essential the crossroads at Monthardrou and surrounding road net is held for at least a further 24 hours.
Weather is hazy with light winds from the SE.
Monthardrou is a small village surrounded by fields, orchards and small woods. Bocage is not as heavy as previously seen, but will still restrict movment and visibilty when encountered.
To HOLD the village and crossroads of Monthardrou and surrounding road network.
Commander’s Intent


To deny the the village and crossroads of Monthardrou and surrounding road network to enemy forces by destroying enemy forces as they approach the village.

Anti armor ambushes have been established with infantry screens to protect them, together with HMG and 81mm mtrs in depth to hinder enemy infantry attacks.
Crossroads and village to remain secured and prepared for all round defence.
Divisions Fusiler Kompanie (+)

2 x PantherG under command
1x Pak 40
剧本:A Delaying Action 阵营:美军


你是王牌连队,3rd Inf Bttn,特种部队S 大概有200人左右。 把你的士兵移动到地图另一边。你有迫击炮,先锋部队以及105mm榴弹炮进行支援。坦克排由于轻装上阵可以在10分钟内抵达。总部的各单位也将随后到达。第三步兵排还在集结,并可以在5分钟内牵制反坦克炮在Mortain,德军溃不成军并逃离到塞尔纳河对岸,他们为了拖延我们的追击,在路上布满路障。侦查员用无线电警告我们说:前方道路发现多门88mm炮。但是由于视野,恶名昭彰的88mm炮可能在每一个草垛后面。我们有理由相信溃败的德国人仍然被困在Falasies.



16 August, 7:05 am. A hazy dawn after a rainy night. Patton relentlessly pushes Eddy’s XII Corps forward following the failed German counter-offensive at Mortain. The Germans flee. We pursue. If they turn to fight we flank their position and eliminate them. Terrain is open farmland interspersed with small woodlots. Ideal anti-tank country, unfortunately.
Forward recon has stumbled on a German roadblock straddling the road east of our bivouac at Coulmiers. Anti-tank guns appear to dominate a broad stretch of open country. A narrow woodlot north of the roadblock position should mask our flanking movement. Your mission is to engage the roadblock, eliminate it, and occupy the enemy position. Follow-on forces will then press on to capture Orleans.
You are King Company, 3rd Inf Bttn, Task Force S. You number roughly 200 men. Transports offloaded your men on the far side of the field (off-map). You are supported by light mortars, pioneers, and a 105mm howitzer battery. A reduced tank platoon is due to arrive in 10 minutes. HQ units will arrive soon after. 3rd infantry platoon is still offloading and will arrive in 5 minutes with a towed anti-tank gun.
Following their defeat at Mortain a badly mauled German army flees towards the Seine. To delay our pursuit, a series of roadblocks are thrown in our path. Scouts have radioed a warning of multiple “88’s” blocking the road, but G.I.s are notorious for seeing “88’s” behind every haystack. We are confident all of the fleeing Germans’ armor remains trapped back at Falaise.
Use the woodlot as cover for your advance. Cross the railroad tracks and assault the German defensive position on the roadway. Press your assault to the buildings and woods beyond.
Gameplay length: 1 hour+. There are three OCCUPY objectives on the map. Additional points will be awarded for knocking out anti-tank guns and eliminating enemy infantry. Preserve your own forces.

  • Scenario designer: Mike (MikeyD) Duplessis

剧本:A Delaying Action 阵营:德军


你的部队在这些战斗中损失严重。你的两个50mm和76mm反坦克炮排状态不佳,不过幸运的是,4门88mm高射炮已经从奥尔良铁路终点站赶来帮忙,他的阵地可以覆盖整个道路。这个阵地是在夜间搭建完成的。铁丝网已经覆盖了北面美军有可能的进攻途径,迫击炮已经可以预先覆盖这个区域((three TRPs 这个不懂什么意思)。你还有大概190人。



场景设计师:Mike (MikeyD) Duplessis

It is a damp hazy dawn, 16 August, 7:05am. Location: Roadside warehouses 14km west of Orleans. The battered 7th Army is in the process of rapidly withdrawing from territory west of the river Seine in the face of strong Allied pressure.
Anti-tank roadblocks do little to slow the Allies’ rapid advance. In three encounters yesterday your guns briefly halted the Americans. Each time you managed to hastily retire to fresh positions to again await the pursuing Allied tanks.
Your force has been badly attrited during these engagements. You are down to two reduced platoons of 50mm and 76mm anti-tank guns. Fortunately, four big 88 Flak guns were rushed from the railhead at Orleans to help cover the road approaches. This position was well prepared during the night. Barbed wire covers a possible route of attack from the north and mortars have been pre-sighted to cover the area (three TRPs). Your force is approximately 190 men.
The Americans activated the 3rd Army and placed the infamous General Patton at its head. Patton prefers to lead with his tanks and call in infantry when opposition is encountered. Just before dawn a recce car was brewed-up in front of our position. The Americans are aware of our presence. In previous encounters roadblocks have been assaulted by roughly Company strength infantry.
Trees to the west were felled and buildings demolished to provide our 88’s with a commanding view. Dense woodlots conceal our positions from the north. Units to our south limit Allied flanking attempts along the Loire river. Your mission is to hold back the American advance. Inflict as much damage as possible. Watch for any enemy encircling movement.
Gameplay length: 1 hour+. The allies will gain points by knocking out your guns and occupying your position. Points will be awarded to you for inflicting infantry casualties, knocking out Allied tanks, and killing HQ units (no terrain objectives).

(Note that barbed wire has been placed in its own setup zone in case you wish to arrange these defenses to your own preferences.)

  • Scenario designer: Mike (MikeyD) Duplessis
    剧本:A Stange Awakening 阵营:美军

Late July 1944 some Railroad Station in the southern area of the Roncey Pocket.
Close the Roncey Pocket asap to prevent retreating Germans to reorganise their defence more deeper into France.
The 3rd Platoon of B-Coy, 3rd Bn (US Armoured Infantry) is unaware they penetrated enemy lines last night. They occupied a local farm 揕e Grande Moustache?to get some sleep. Later that night the Company Commander joines them
Germans units are on the retreat to prevent encirclement inside the Roncey Pocket. Trying to safe most of their equipment the Germans occupied a Railroad Station and are waiting for the last train…
Adept the current situation asap an occupy the Railroad Station
The Americans and the Germans are unaware of the current situation. This will create a meeting engagement like battle with a lot of uncertainties.
Two platoons of B-Coy are in the area and can be expected within 10-15 minutes.

剧本:A Stange Awakening 阵营:德军
有半履带车辆的声音从Grande Moustache的大型农场传来


Late July 1944 some Railroad Station in the southern area of the Roncey Pocket.
Drive south as fast as possible out of the Roncey Pocket and reorganise a new defensive line deeper into France.
Support railroad troops with embarking equipment we need hard in our next defensive line. In case of an US attack defend the station until the last train has departed.
Halftrack sounds are coming from the local farm 揕e Grande Moustache?
Adept the current situation asap and defend the Railroad Station.
The Americans and the Germans are unaware of the current situation. This will create a meeting engagement like battle with a lot of uncertainties.
Two platoons of our Panzer Grenadier Company are in the area and can be expected within 10-15 minutes in case.
剧本:platoon patrol 简报 阵营:美军








1120 hrs, 10 June 1944

OMAHA beachhead is being expanded south, with units pushing as far and as fast in as many places as they can. 1st Battalion, 175th Infantry Regiment is spread out across a wide frontage, gaining ground everywhere it can.

2 Platoon will reconnoitre across the small stream and establish a secure bridgehead no later than 1200 hours in order to secure the company flank.

2 Platoon has suffered approximately 20% casualties in the last few days, but is otherwise intact. With the battalion, and the company, operating over such a wide frontage the decision has been taken to push support weapons right down to platoon level. 2 Platoon has been allocated a 60mm mortar, but it only has a few rounds. No other support is available.

The 915th Grenadier Regiment is holding this section. Like us they are severely stretched, and have taken heavy casualties over the last four days. They will be seeking to maintain control of this stream line in order to maintain a coherent front.

Within the resources available, maintain overwatch and a reserve, keeping at least one foot on the ground while you advance.

There are no reinforcements available. Securing the crossing is important, but not so important that it抯 worth wrecking your platoon.

剧本:platoon patrol 简报 阵营:德军





美国第175步兵团一直在进攻我们的南面,但是他们似乎有可能推进得太远,太快了。在过去的12 - 18小时有不同的共识放缓,同时放缓的火炮和迫击炮攻击。事实上,最近一次遭到炮击是在今天凌晨



1120 hrs, 10 June 1944

The Americans are pushing south from their landings at Vierville hard and fast. The regiment is struggling to maintain a defensive front, but with so few men available the task is becoming increasingly difficult. Natural features, like this stream, give us an opportunity to even the odds a little.

1 Platoon will retain control of the high ground in its area in order to deny the enemy a crossing of the stream.

The platoon has suffered heavy casualties in the last few days, but has managed to pick up some stragglers. With a good number of MGs it should be possible to create a feasible defence here.

The US 175th Infantry Regiment has been harrying us south, but they seem to have perhaps pushed too far and too fast. Over the last 12-18 hours there has been a distinct slowing of momentum, and also a slackening of their artillery and mortar fire. In fact, there hasn抰 been any artillery fire anywhere along our battalion front since dawn this morning.

With the limited forces available, maintain interlocking fields of fire to provide mutual support. As long as the Americans are kept off the high ground, they will not be able to exploit any crossing they achieve here.

There are no reinforcements available.
剧本:It`s a new dawn 简报 阵营:美军

七月7日至8日夜间,第三装甲师在艾雷勒进行了一次渡过维尔河流战斗。第2装甲战斗团领导了一场顽强抵抗由Panzer-Lehr Division(国防军130装甲教导师)引起的。渡河是被迫的,但在夜晚的战斗中是常见的,双方的指挥都快崩溃了。战斗变成了被隔离的单位之间的近距离的战斗。随着部队获得喘息的空间,他们蹲坐下来等待即将到来的黎明。
在该地区的敌人未知,事实是你面对的是anzer-Lehr Division(国防军130装甲教导师)。
During the night of 7-8 July, 3rd Armored Division conducted an opposed crossing of the River Vire at Airel. Combat Command B led the way against stiff opposition put up by the Panzer-Lehr Division.The crossing was forced, but as is common in night battles, command on both sides quickly fell apart. The battle turned into close range brawls between isolated units. As the troops gained breathing space, they hunkered down to await the coming dawn.
Your platoon has taken shelter in a farm for the night. You are near a crossroad that battalion wants, so come dawn, move out and take it.
You command 2nd Plt., Baker Co., 1st Bn., 120th Infantry Bn. You do not have your halftracks, but you’ve picked up a Stuart from the 33rd Tank Bn.
Enemy forces in the area are unknown beyond the fact that you are facing the Panzer-Lehr Division.

Good luck

剧本:It`s a new dawn 简报 阵营:德军

七月7日至8日夜间,第三装甲师在艾雷勒进行了一次渡过维尔河流战斗。第2装甲战斗团领导了一场顽强抵抗由Panzer-Lehr Division(国防军130装甲教导师)引起的。渡河是被迫的,但在夜晚的战斗中是常见的,双方的指挥都快崩溃了。战斗变成了被隔离的单位之间的近距离的战斗。随着部队获得喘息的空间,他们蹲坐下来等待即将到来的黎明。
你指挥902教导装甲掷弹兵团二营5连1排。你已经从装甲团那得到一辆PSW 234 / 1重型装甲车的支援。

During the night of 7-8 July, 3rd Armored Division conducted an opposed crossing of the River Vire at Airel. Combat Command B led the way against stiff opposition put up by the Panzer-Lehr Division.The crossing was forced, but as is common in night battles, command on both sides quickly fell apart. The battle turned into close range brawls between isolated units. As the troops gained breathing space, they hunkered down to await the coming dawn.
The Amis forced a crossing last night and after the ensuing chaos, you took shelter in a farm near the crossroads you are to defend. Come dawn, set up your road block. The crossroad must be held.
You command 1. Zug./5. Kp./II Abt./Panzergrenadier-Lehr-Regiment 902. You have the support of a PSW 234/1 Heavy Armored Car from the Panzer Regiment.
Other than it is an American Armored Division you face, the enemy forces in the area are unknown.
Good luck
剧本:Barkmann corner 简报



在这场战斗中,这个被称为巴克曼上校的人,击毁了九辆谢尔曼和几辆美国载具,阻止了美国装甲部队的进攻。鉴于他的英勇行动,他被授予骑士铁十字(Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes)。眼镜蛇行动实施后,第二党卫军“帝国”装甲师在避免了法莱斯口袋的包围之后,与党卫军第9“霍亨斯陶芬”装甲师一起,为被困的德军开辟了一条逃生路线,第二党卫军“帝国”装甲师撤回到西部。在撤退期间,巴克曼参与了许多孤注一掷的殿后行动,摧毁了许多美国的载具。

Barkmann, operating with his platoon or even in a lone Panther, claims he inflicted heavy casualties on the advancing Americans, destroying many tanks and armoured vehicles. On the morning of July 27. Barkmann found himself in his Panther cut off from the rest of his company. While attempting to reach his unit, he was stopped near the village of Le Lorey where he was told by German infantrymen that the Americans were closing in with a large armoured column. Barkmann positioned his Panther under a stand of oak trees near the crossroads where the American tanks would have to pass.

As the column came into sight, Barkmann knocked out the two lead Shermans and a fuel tanker truck. Next, he destroyed two Shermans which had attempted to bypass the burning tanker. The Americans called in fighter-bombers, which damaged Barkmann’s Panther and wounded two of his crewmen. Barkmann’s next victims were two Shermans that had used the noise of the fighter-bombers as cover to sneak up on the damaged Panther’s flank. As Barkmann’s crew repaired the Panther, two more Shermans were knocked out. Finally, before leaving, Barkmann destroyed one last Sherman

During the engagement, which has come to be known as Barkmann’s Corner, it has been claimed Barkmann knocked out nine Shermans and several other American vehicles and halted an American armoured attack. For his actions, he was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes). After the launch of Operation Cobra, the Das Reich avoided encirclement in the Falaise Pocket and, alongside the 9.SS-Panzer-Division Hohenstaufen, fought to hold open an escape route for the trapped German forces. After the collapse of the pocket, the Das Reich fell back towards the West Wall. During the retreat, Barkmann was involved in many desperate rearguard actions, destroying many American vehicles.

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